Banda Aceh

Tropicana Seafood Restaurant
JL. A. YANI NO. 90-92

Jl a yani no 90-92, peunayong. high quality chinese restaurant. --> closed down

Imperial Kitchen
Jl. Teuku Umar

Jl teuku umar. high quality chinese restaurant.

Country Steakhouse
Jalan Safiatuddin

Jl sri ratu safiatuddin 46d. steaks, hamburgers, salads; western style food.

Tower Coffee
Jalan Tengku Abdullah Ujong Rimba

previously putra jaya, jl tgk haji abdullah ujung rimba no 14, off jl muhammad near masjid baiturrahman. panang style dining in nice a/c atmosphere with some english-speaking waiters.

Niagara Cafe
Jl.T. Hasan dek jambo tape

Jl hasandek 8-9. has every fruit juice imaginable and a satay stand outside.

Jl. T. Panglima Polem, No. 66-68
+62 651 31287

Two locations. Offers your typical Aceh fare in an A/C dining area. Careful ordering - they may serve and charge you two dishes.

The Acehnese breakfast staple is nasi gurih, rice cooked in coconut milk, sold in coffee shops everywhere. Food stalls and Padang restaurants are open across the undamaged part of town, and fruit carts are ubiquitous.


bene restaurant, jl bhakti no 33a-b, kampung laksana, ☎ +62 651 31035. best restaurant in town, not just for its fresh seafood, pasta and pizza, but also its great roof top garden. dishes work from an italian template, but with the best ingredients banda aceh has to offer. and watch out for when the salsa comes on, for the wait staff burst into spontaneous song. also open weekdays for lunch.

Big Top

across the road from warung ibu pocut. chinese and indonesian dishes.